English 6: The cat of Bubastes Essay

The cat of Bubastes is a book that I am reading right now. It is about a prince of a small tribe called Rebu. The king of Rebu is in battle against the Egyptians. He gets killed during the fight and his son escapes, making it back to Rebu. Shortly after the fight the prince of Rebu gets captured and is taken to Egypt where he becomes a slave.

When he is captured they make him do a bunch of work though the work is not that hard for him, he feels it is easy. A few weeks later the prince of Rebu gets help from another slave whose name is Jethro. He and Jethro become good friends.

One day a new slave was brought in, named Amuba. Rebu and Jethro become friends with him. The three of them work towards an escape plan though their plans failed with the many attempts, leaving them with much harder work to do.

Finally after months of trying to escape, they come up with a plan of running from house to house until they reach the wall. It was dark which made it easier to run out into the plains of Egypt. The three free men go on hunting adventure, hunting Rhinos, antelope, and even hippos. Once the Egyptians find out that their slaves go missing, they send groups out to find them with out any success.

The Egyptians worshiped the cat of Bubastes. All the people in egypt worshiped the cat, they believed the cat was the smartest animal. The Pharaoh asked the cat, where are the slaves? The cat says they have escaped and are going back to the tribe of Rebu. Then a few days while trying to find the three slaves, they accidently kill the cat of Bubastes.

I think what will happen next in the story will not be good for Jethro and Amuba. The people of Egypt know where they are and will most likely kill them when they find the three.

History 6: The Iliad Essay

The Iliad was created by the bard/poet who’s name was Homer. We do not know much about him though he probably lived during the 8th or 9th century. The Iliad is about the Trojan that lasted ten whole years.

The Iliad is one out of the two most epic poems Homer had ever made, including the famous battles during the Trojan war.

The Iliad only includes the main battles of the Trojan war. This is most likely because people wanted bigger battles in the trojan war and not anything small in the story.

The war began with queen Helen and her abduction. The King of Troy came to the kingdom and captured Queen Helen, taking her to Troy. It was said, who ever took Queen Helen, the other kingdoms would gang up on that kingdom, which is what happened in the trojan war.

A bunch of very powerful heroes joined in the Trojan war such as Achillies, Odysseus, Nestor, and Ajax all battled against the Trojans.

During the end times of the war, the Greeks brought out a secret weapon to destroy Troy. They made a giant wooden horse which is now called the Trojan horse. This horse was used that night to burn down the kingdom of Troy and everyone in it.

After burning down the kingdom, the war ended and Several of the greatest warriors got to go home. Queen Helen also got to return home, along with the remaining soldiers.

Recently People found the city of Troy when digging. It is confirmed that the city of Troy did exist once upon a time. The city of Troy is located in modern day Turkey.

Science 6: Influenza herbal treatment Essay

The aspirin pills that people used for the influenza virus was thought to help with symptoms, though scientist think people may have overdosed, causing death as the persons lungs filled with fluid. Asprin dosages, by some people, were as high as 1,000 millagrams. That is not good for your body and could kill a person. There are some herbal treatments (not pills) that help you heal from the flu faster and keep you safe.

Some people might have had ginger juice to help treat the sickness, but most people probably didn’t use herbal treatments because the virus was very new during the time it occured.

Today if someone has the flu they have red root and licorice that helps treat the flu, along with other herbal treatments to help people stop the flu from traveling inside your body.

History 6: The fall of Judah Essay

Like Israel the kingdom of Judah fell just 200 years after the fall of Israel took place.

After king Josiah’s death there was only four more kings before the fall of Israel began and the kingdom was torn apart.

The second king after Josiah was named Jehoiakim, who was killed shortly after Babylon beat Egypt. In battle they took control of everything the Egyptians had which included the control of Jerusalem. Then when the king of Babylon whose name was Nebuchadnezzar, wanted Jehoiakim to pay tribute to him, Jehoiakim refused, he attacked Jerusalem and kidnapped their people. He also killed Jehoiakim during the attack.

After Jehoiakim was killed by Nebuchhadnezzar he set up Zedekiah, but when that happened the kingdom of Babylon’s plan backfired. For eleven whole years Zedekiah rebelled against Babylon but eventually lost and was killed.

 Then shortly after Babylon’s eleven year, war against Judah Nebuchhadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem until the kingdom and taken over fully. This event took place in the year 586 BCE.

It took 70 years for the people of Judah to finally leave Babylon where they were able to rebuild a very small portion of the kingdom of Jerusalem to return to. The reason Babylon allowed the people of Judah to return to the kingdom of Jerusalem, rebuilding some of the kingdom, is because they used this to their advantage. By this choice, it would help grow their kingdom, making them a step closer to being stronger and the biggest kingdom.

Science 6: Influenza Essay

This type of flu was a threat to the entire world during the time world war I was coming to a close. The flu was becoming more of a threat to the world and to the soldiers who were in the war.

The effects of this disease were digusting and could kill people very easlily by destroying the blood cells, and making your body overeact to the disease. Eventually it would destroy every single blood cell that would kill the person with the disease.

It would also be able to kill people with young strong immune systems, more than the people with old and weak immune systems, which is super crazy and very shocking to doctors around the world.

We may never know how it killed people with stronger immune systems. Scientist did come out with a pill that was supposed to help stop the flu from getting into your body, though some people may have overdosed on the pills, which might have killed them.

After school Essay

Everyone has a something they want to do after school like spending time with your friends and playing sports, so I am going to talk about my two favorite things to do after school.

My first favorite thing to do after school is playing football with my friends. If on asphalt, we play two hand touch football, so we don’t get hurt. If on grass, we play tackle football knowing that none of us will get scabs from the grass, and I do this almost everyday after school.

My second favorite thing to do after school is go on a bike ride with my brother. We ride about three miles to the ocean then to the lighthouse field, some neighbor hoods, and then make our way back home. we mostly stop to look at the big waves coming onto the beach and the wharf before continuing our bike ride.

cocao pest and disease Essay

There are major diseases and pests that can kill a cocao tree and these diseases and pests prove very fatal to the tree, so I am going to go over two of these diseases and pests that can destroy the cocao tree.

The first disease is called black pod. This disease rots the outer shell of the pod and travels very fast around the cocao pod and then kills the pod during a matter of days, not allowing the tree to produce any chocolate.

The second disease is called swollen shoot. This disease is very viral to the tree and is brought to the tree by an insect called the mealybug, which can destroy a bunch of cocao tree crops in the areas they live in.

The second pest is the cocoa pod borer. This moth has shocked a lot of people who have cocao tree crops. This bug costs people $600 million every year due to the fatality the moth can cause to one crop.

Science 6: Chocolate Fermentation Process Essay

The fermentation process is super important when making chocolate. If you don’t go through the fermentation process the chocolate goes bad and you won’t be able to produce the chocolate. During the process there are a lot of microbes such as yeasts, lactic acid, bacteria and so on. It takes at least 6-10 days. It doesn’t take very long for the chocolate to be fully processed but it is hard to process the chocolate.

Science 6: Chocolate Essay

The healthy Benefits of chocolate are super amazing. But it does not mean you should eat 5 pieces of chocolate everyday because it is still not good for you. Chocolate improves the flow of lower blood pressure which is amazing to think about. It also can reduce disease risk sometimes, protects skin from the sun, and helps brain function.

Aztecs used chocolate for beverages like hot drinks, cold drinks, and wine. They also called chocolate God food. Because they thought that the Gods they worshipped would be pleased when they used chocolate for their food and beverages and so they called chocolate God food for that reason. Because of this I think i’m going to have chocolate chip cookies now.

History 6: Israel Essay

The history of Israel goes back a very long way during a time when many people had servants and there was no indoor plumbing and the times were pretty brutal so you are glad you weren’t around at the time.

Jeroboam was one of the first kings of Israel. He fought Solomon’s son Rehoboam and 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel left Rehoboams’s rule to follow Jeroboam. The reason he was a very bad king was because he set up idols in Israel because he wanted to make a new priesthood. He reigned for 22 years

 But then a prophet said that all the descendants of Jeroboam would die a violent death. This would most likely make Jeroboam regret making those false idols so he could make a new priesthood. Sadly he did end up losing all of his family members.

Later in Israel’s time, Baasha fought against the king of Judah, Nadab. Baasha won the fight by killing Nadab and his entire army. This won them the reign of Judah because Nadab was Jeroboam’s son.  For this he was known as a very great king. Then a few years after the battle, Baasha’s son Elah, who reigned for two years, was eventually killed by Zimri whose reign only lasted a week.

 Omri killed Zimri by burning down his house because he saw that the people of Israel did not accept Zimri as their king. After that Omri had a pretty good reign for a total of twelve years as the king of Israel.

King Ahab married a priest of Baal’s daughter whose name was Jezebel. Ahab even made a temple just for Jezebel that only Ahab and Jezebel were allowed to come in to. He did this to please Jezebel so she would accept Ahab as her husband.

During Ahab’s reign the king of Assyria, Ben-Hadad, brought a whole army to Israel. He failed during two attempts because God said he would deal with both of the attacks to protect Israel. God was easily able to take down both the army’s before they could make it to the kingdom of Israel.

One time Ahab saw Naboth’s garden and he asked if he could have the vineyard. But Naboth said that it was his grandfather’s and he could not have it because it was very special to Naboth. He wanted to keep it to honor his grandfather.

But then Queen Jezebel brought false charges on Naboth and Ahab killed him. Ahab then took control of the vineyard because they were mad that Naboth. Ahab didn’t want to honor Naboth’s rights to keep the vineyard. God then speaks to Ahab and says that as a punishment his family would die a brutal death but it would not happen during Ahab’s reign it would happen during his son Elijah’s reign.

During the beginning of Elijah’s reign he was only six years old when he became king. Even though he was so young, everyone in the kingdom came and wanted Elijah to be king. But since this was after Ahab died, Jezebel had full control of Israel. She demanded the people to stop and threatened the people even though she knew she was not supposed to be queen. In the end everyone went after her and stoned her to death outside of her house.

Then a couple of years later Jehu was anointed by another person named Elisha and he was charged with killing everybody in Ahab’s family. Jehu does end up killing everyone in Ahab’s family including Elijah. Afterward he became the king and his family ruled the throne for four generations.

Then the Assyrian king Tiglath-Pilesen III shrunk the borders of Israel which made things very hard for years in Israel. When the Assyrians shrunk the borders they had less space and the Assyrians had way more space in their borders. The people of Israel were really crammed together.

Hoshea killed Pekah, who was the king before him and then reigned for nine years.

The next kings of Israel lead the trail of Jeroboam and brought back all the false idol worship in an attempt to make another new priesthood. But they should have known that all of Jeroboam’s descendants died and they also were super cruel to their subjects. This made them even worse kings of Israel and to all the people that lived there.

Once again the Assyrians attacked Israel in the year 722 BCE and beat Israel again. But this time they didn’t just defeat Israel, they destroyed the entire kingdom. Some people did escape but most died including the king and the kingdom was torn up by the Assyrians.

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