Country Essay


The country I chose to write about today is Canada

Every sports fan knows that hockey is the most popular sport in Canada. The first two teams in Canada were the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Montreal Canadians. This year the Stanley cup playoffs were held in Toronto for the east teams and in Edmonton for the west teams.

Every year Canada holds the CHL tournament which has 60 teams. The best players get drafted into the NHL. There are three qualifying rounds for the remaining teams. The three best teams are the Regina Pats with four titles, the Oshawa Generals with 5 titles, and the Toronto Marlboros who lead with 7 titles.

Fun fact, according to The International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) the very first game of organized hockey was played in Montreal in 1875. Although there is evidence to suggest that the game and earliest rules originated in England, no one can deny that Canada has the biggest hockey fanbase.

Some other things Canada is known for are: maple syrup, brutally cold winters and Niagara Falls.

Helpful sites:,played%20in%20Montreal%20in%201875.,least%20outside%20of%20specialist%20importers.



According to Wikipedia mega-sequences or “Cratonic sequences are geological evidence of the sea level rising and then falling, thereby depositing layers of sediment onto an area of ancient rock called a craton. Places such as the Grand Canyon are a good visual example of this, apparent in the layers deposited over time”. This means that the earth is changed by oceans rising and falling.

When you look at the Grand Canyon you see the different rock layers that were created by mega-sequences. The grand canyon is 177 miles long and over 1 mile deep. It is possible that this was caused by mega-sequences over millions of years. Each layer would be a different color due to water bringing sediment and creating the rock layers.

In the Grand Canyon geologist have found marine fossils which proves that it was once covered in water. Its still up for debate if the Grand Canyon formed slowly or rapidly but they do know that six mega-sequences can be found in the Northern Arizona section of the Grand Canyon. These six mega-sequences can be traced across North America. This information can be found in

Thats all for this blog be sure to check out the next one.

Activity Essay

My three favorite activities are playing and watching sports, walking and drawing.

First is sports. I do sports all year long. The sports I play the most are football, basketball, and baseball because those are the sports I’m the best at. My favorite position to play in baseball is third base. I really like playing because third base gets a lot of action. I am good defensively in basketball. I love to pick off the ball. My team was the championship team two years in a row. When I play football I like to play wide receiver because I get the ball thrown to me a lot. Sports is also a great way for me to connect with my friends.

Next is walking. I walk almost every day of the week. I walk for about thirty minutes before heading back home and relaxing. Most of the time when I am halfway through with my walk, I stop to look at the ocean which is right down the street from my house. My brother and I sometimes take a quick walk before we start school. It helps get our blood flowing and our brains turned on.

My final favorite activity is drawing. I draw almost every day to keep myself entertained. I mostly draw sports logos such as MLB teams and NHL teams. I like to create my own teams and logos. Sometimes I just reimagine current logos for teams. YouTube is one of the main places I look up sports related topics. I find a lot of “how to draw” videos on there. It helps me get better at art.

Backyard Essay

Every day I go in my yard. We have a pool, a picnic table, a chicken coop, and a garden.

Our pool is round and has a 12 foot circumference. It is 3 feet deep. I swim in it almost everyday because sometimes there’s nothing better to do. My brother and I take the cover off together before we get in. My grandparents got us a giant beachball to play with. We take turns rolling off of it into the water. We also have pool noodles and donut tubes to play with.

Next is my outside table. Mostly when friends have dinner with us we go outside and use it. Also it has an umbrella so if its sunny out we have shade. It sits on a patio that we made out of flagstone.

The Coop

Next is the chicken coop. We have 8 chickens that sleep on a roosting bar we made and a wooden floor that I lacquered. It easily fits all of the chickens in the coop and the roosting bar can fit most of the chickens on. My brother and I built the coop with our Mom. We used a garden shed kit. My Dad helped build the roosting. He always says he likes to over engineer things. We definitely over engineered this project! It looks really good.


The final thing I am going to talk about is my garden we have over 20 plants. We have plants in the front of the yard like blueberries, snapdragons, chamomile, mint, a lemon tree, a blood orange tree, tomatoes, wisteria and nasturtiums. We have strawberries, johnny jump ups, geraniums, marigolds, lavender, sage, thyme, parsley and rosemary plants in the back of the yard. We water the plants every other day so that they always stay hydrated.

At night we see opossums walk through our yard. They are looking for food like chicken eggs that we forgot to collect and cat food that our cats Lucy and Tikka didn’t finish. I do not like opossums! They look like big rats with mouse ears and their fur is greasy.

I enjoy spending time in my yard. Thanks to the pandemic I spend a lot of time out there now. I’m having fun making my yard look nicer.

Vacation Essay

Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, my family and I did not take a vacation this summer.

But last summer I went to my grandparent’s place in Mariposa. It is about an hour away from Yosemite. We stayed the first night at their house. The next morning we went to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo in Fresno, CA.

My mom planned a great breakfast stop on the way. Unfortunately half of Fresno planned to eat at the same restaurant that morning. We had to wait to sit down for about an hour and a half. I was so mad! Once I got my food my attitude immediately changed. I got a burger with avocado and a fried egg on top. It tasted so good!

While we were there we saw cheetahs, lions, elephants, ostriches, and we got to feed giraffes. We also saw emus, tigers, red lemurs and so much more. My favorite exhibit at the zoo was the cheetah enclosure. They have a huge window where you can be face to face with the cheetahs. We got to stand there while a cheetah paced in front of us. It looked me right in the eye.

My parents went back to our house after the zoo and my brother, Logan, and I got to drive back to my grandparents house. On the way there we stopped for dinner at Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino. It is a really nice place to eat. They have a waterfall outside the restaurant.

During the rest of our vacation with them we went fishing and caught bass and catfish. We even saw bats. We went knee boarding too. Knee boarding is fun but it can take time to learn to cross the wake without falling. While we were on the water we also saw a mountain lion, an eagle, and a flock of turkeys.

Sometimes it gets so hot outside that we have to stay indoors after lunch. This is a good time to play a lot of board games and watched a lot of movies too. We also get to swim in their pool. Staying at my grandparents was one of my favorite parts of last summer.

Backyard Science: Geology Review

Photo by Unsplash

If you think about it, rocks are very cool. They have been around since the start of time and the first rocks are still here today. If you’re on a beach, the grains of sand you’re standing on were once part of a bigger rock. It takes a rock cycle for that to happen.

A rock cycle starts with weather. When looking at a rock it’s important to know that that rock will change the very next day. In fact that rock will never look the same again and will turn to sand in time.

Under the earths surface are more layers of rock which all surround the Earth’s core which is a big ball of lava. Fossils play a big part in the layers of rock that are under the Earth’s surface. Take a dead animal for example, it will decompose over time. And then thousands of years later that dead animal will make its way under the ground and turn into a fossil which could be discovered time.

And if any of you think to yourself why is rock important -here’s why. Concrete which is partially made of rock is used for building foundations. If your parents are driving you to your friends house, they are most likely driving on a street that is also made partially of rock. And my final reason is if you see a flag pole people use rock to keep the pole in place. And if you didn’t know already everywhere your standing has rock somewhere beneath you.

History 6: Week 1 Essay

Creator: JoeLena | Credit: Getty Images
Copyright: JoeLena

I have discovered some people that speak my language. After years of wandering I have finally found a group I can talk to. I have decided to speak to this group of people, but I wonder, “Will they reject me or will they welcome me”?

So I make my move. I say, “Hi”, while stuttering a little. “You speak our language?” They ask me with surprised looks on their faces. I say, “Yes!” Then they say, “Welcome to the tribe!”

We have a nice time talking for a while, but then they tell me there’s a problem. When I ask what’s wrong they say, “We don’t know where to settle. Since God chose to give everyone a different langue, we have been confused and lost”. I tell them that I have been feeling the same way.

While everyone was sleeping I spend hours thinking about where to go. And that’s when it hits me; I decide to go to America. I wait until the morning to tell them. But in the meantime, I know I should get some rest. I sleep well knowing that I have a plan.

The next day I tell them my idea. But they are worried about how to get there. Then I say, “We will build a boat”. They all think this is a great idea. We spend months building a boat that will fit all of us. During that time we tell each other stories and share our best memories.

It takes a few months to travel across the ocean. Many of us get seasick. We see creatures that have strange and unsettling looks. And it is a very bumpy ride.

Finally we see the shore! After we get to America, my new tribe awards me the position of chief of the tribe. In this new home we will be able to start fresh and build a great civilization.

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