Hobby Essay


One of my favorite hobbies is playing sports with my friends.

My favorite sport is football. We have an even number of players so the game is played fair. We mostly have close scoring games. We play two hand touch football so nobody gets hurt. We usually play a best of 7 series.

Another sport I like to play is basketball. We play half court and when the ball hits the rim and the other team recovers it we need to clear the ball before shooting or else you just score for the other team and help them and not your own team.

I also enjoy is baseball. We mostly play a best of 5 series while playing baseball. We use a squishy baseball to make it softer while catching the ball. We chose who should be umpire so we don’t argue about if it was a strike or a ball.

Science 6: Garden Plant Essay

Grass Blades

The first plant I found in my yard is grass. Grass is quite possibly the most common plant in the world. It is very tough if you try to eat it so it is like a survival food. It is in the poaceae family, the species is sedge, and the genus is monocotyledon. While eating grass you need to make sure that you have chewed it properly before swallowing. It also has a sweet smell to it.

Stevia Leaf

The second plant is the stevia. The stevia has a woody smell. It has small prickles on the stem that don’t sting but feels serrated while running your finger through the stem. The leaf edges are serrated and have points which feel like a small blade. The genus for stevia are called candy leaves.

Parsley Leaf

The third is the parsley. The parsley has a total of four leaves on one stem and has a strong mint smell to it. The stem and the edges of the leaf both have a smooth feel to it. This leaf also has points on it but they are smooth and not serrated like the stevia. The genus of the plant is petroselinum and the species is P. crispum.

Science 6: Tomato Leaf Essay

Copyright: Garden Betty

The tomato leaf has white mold markings on the plant. The leaf has serrated edges on the plant which makes it sharp and prickly almost like a small animal when it bites you. The leaf veins are thin and very rough on your skin but not prickly like the edges of the leaf which are the opposite.

When crushed the leaf smells exactly like a tomato when you cut it open. The hue variance of the leaf is dark green throughout the whole leaf. A tomato stem is toxic as well making this a dangerous, if eaten. A way you know a tomato leaf has a disease is when the leaves are small and get a yellowish green color all over the leaf. You can eat a tomato leaf. It is said that a tomato leaf is very tender and they are just like any other garden leaf. I might even try this leaf in a salad.

History 6: Psalm Essay

Copyright: Creator: Picasa 2.7 

Samuel chose David to be the second king of the Israelites. During the beginning times of his reign the Goliath came to challenge the people of Israel. Everyone in Israel was afraid of him except for David. He challenges the Goliath and he wins by using five stones and a sling as his weapons. The people rejoice that their king defeated the Goliath.

At one point during his reign David becomes a musician chosen to comfort Saul when the distressing spirit came for him. Another time, Uzzah and his brother Ahio tried stealing the Ark of the Covenant from God and David. But then Uzzah touched the Ark without realizing it and Immediately was killed by the Ark. Later on in his reign David wanted to build a temple where the Ark was to be placed. But God wanted David’s son Solomon to build it because his reign was during a time of peace.

David then chose Solomon as the third king of the Israelites because none of David’s other sons showed up to discuss who would become the next king. As a result, David chose Solomon. When Solomon began his reign God showed up and said that he could request anything he wanted. Solomon asked for wisdom to raise his people well. Months later the queen of Sheba came to Jerusalem to experience the wisdom of Solomon and then realizes that there related.

Later on in Solomon’s reign God shows up again and tells him to build a temple where the Ark of the Covenant is placed. It takes Solomon 7 whole years to finish the temple. Luckily the temple turned out really well. It was made of solid gold inside. It was a great privilege to be allowed to have access to it.

As he gets older, Solomon discards the wisdom God has given him and has 700 wives. This is a huge problem for Solomon because God shows up and tells him that he would take away his kingdom to give it to Solomon’s servant but that his love for David keeps him from doing it. Instead God leaves Solomon’s presence and when he dies the kingdom is taken over by Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, and the kingdom of Jerusalem is divided forever.

English 6: Daily Routine Essay

When I wake up I always start the day off by brushing my teeth and getting dressed. I go downstairs to feed my cats, let my chickens out and feed my chickens before eating my breakfast. My mom usually makes me either eggs or pancakes.

After I eat breakfast I start the school day. I take breaks in between classes to water my plants, do my breakfast dishes and grab a snack before doing more school work.

Once I’m done with most of my school work I have lunch. During the afternoon I go swimming with my brother for about 1 or 2 hours. Then we go back inside and do some activities and the rest of the chores so I can relax for the rest of the day.

During the evening I watch movies or play video games and relax on my couch. I like to have a glass of water then I brush my teeth before I get ready for bed. Sometimes I read a book and drink a cup of chamomile tea. Finally my mom says goodnight to me and turns off the lights. Then I snuggle under my blankets and go to sleep.

Science 6: Rose Essay

Pine Rose (Rosa pinetorum):

Copyright: The National Gardening Association

The Pine Rose has stems with prickles on it. It is native to California and found in forest and central coast areas around Monterey bay. It mostly grows in semi shade areas in forests or scrub.

California Wild Rose (Rosa californica):

Copyright: Flower Essence Society

Growing in parts of Oregon, California, and parts of Mexico, the California Wild Rose is a rose most common in Baja, California. The rose likes to grow in damp soils like next to rivers. It has 5 pedals and comes in shades of colors lavender and pink.

Ground Rose (Rosa spithamea):

Copyright: CalPhotos

Living in Oregon and California, the Ground Rose is mostly found in recently burned forest areas which will make it great since both states have had large fires recently. These roses can sometimes grow up to 3 centimeters long. They have pink pedals and has a stem that grows up to 10 flowers. This rose is also found in coastal areas.

History 6: Week 8 Essay

To Disobey God

Disobeying God causes massive consequences. So I will talk about 3 major consequences that have happened in history.

During the story when the Israelites were entering the promised land they were afraid to conquer Canaan. But what they should have realized with god on their side nothing could stop them. So instead that whole generation died before the Israelites could enter the promised land.

In that same story later on the Israelites complain because their running out of water. So they stopped in Meribah and thats when God asked Moses to talk to the rock but earlier God told Moses to strike the rock. So Moses in his anger hits the rock this does give the Israelites water but since Moses disobeyed God he was not allowed to enter the promised land and would later on die in the wilderness.

During the time Moses was on mount sinai Aaron creates a golden calf for the people to worship as most of the people gave up on Moses return. This is a huge sin as God is very disappointed in the people as he is about to kill all the Israelites but then Moses begs God to spare the people. God does agree to spare them but he leaves their presence for a long time.

Book Essay

English 6

Two books Iv’e read are “The Railway Children” and “Hans Brinker Or The Silver Skates”. I am going to describe their similarities and differences. I am going to go through 5 similarities or differences in both the books.

The kids leave their home town in the Railway Children to find out what happened to their dad, as he went missing. And in Hans Brinker they leave home to find a doctor to help their dad as he is sick and has weeks to live by the time the book starts.

In The Railway Children the kids play games of tag with their friends near the train. And in Hans Brinker the kids go outside to go ice skating. Playing with friends is a big part of the kids lives in both books.

It’s an adventure for The Railway Children and they are mostly happy being gone from home. They lost their house when their dad disappeared and they are eager to know what happened to him. When he went missing out of nowhere it really scared them. And in Hans Brinker they aren’t that happy to be away from their home as they are very tired of looking for someone to save their dad from the fatal sickness he has.

The kids in Hans Brinker are more irritable than the kids in Railway Children. The Hans Brinker characters are more stressed out because they feel like they are running out of time to save their dad. They team up and overcome their differences to find a good doctor. The Railway Children characters are mostly happier but they usually split up to ask people if they know anything about their missing dad.

Both books have happy endings. At the end of Hans Brinker they find a doctor to do an operation on their dad which appears to be successful. The Railway Children find out that their dad is in jail but its all a misunderstanding. They get enough money to bail him out and a few months later they find out who the real culprit was. Their dad had been framed and they clear his name.

Each of these stories have real struggles and serious incidents for the kids to overcome. They show how helpful it can be for a family to work together.

Plant Science Essay

There are many plants native to California. Wikipedia has a great list of these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_California_native_plants

I collected leaves from plants in my yard. Some of them we planted ourselves and some grew on their own.

Strawberry Leaf

The major classification of the strawberry is Fragaria x ananassa. It is in the rose family. they can produce fruit for five to six years. The strawberry fruit is red, in a heart shape and seeds all over the outside. Ripe strawberrys are sweeter and darker than the less ripe ones which are lighter in color and tart.

Clover Leaf

Clover is in the Trifolium family which peas are also in. This family is also home to about 300 flowering species. There are many different types of clover such as the crimson clover, the red clover and the alsike clover. Also clovers are edible from the stem to the leaf.

Mint Leaf

Mint is part of the Mentha genus. It’s major classification is Mentha × piperita. There are 25 different species of fragrant herbs in the mint family known as Lamiaceae. Mint is an herb that can be used for lots of things such as medicine, gum and tea. It also can be used for toothpaste. In my opinion mint flavor is the best toothpaste that I have used.

State Tree and Flower Essay

for Science 6

Today I am going to talk about my state tree and flower.

In California we have two state trees but right now I am going to talk about the coast redwood. The coast redwood is a Genus of Sequoia. Another name for the tree is the California redwood. Another fun fact is that the coast redwood is bigger then the statue of liberty and the White house. It is also an evergreen that can live up to 1,200-1,800 years old and more.

The second California state tree is the giant sequoia. The giant sequoia is one of the three species known as redwoods. Also the giant sequoia is 286 feet tall. It is also called the sierra redwood. Its an endangered species as the population is decreasing at a slow rate. Like the last tree, the sequoia is a evergreen of the cypress family.

Last but certainly not least, is the California poppy a.k.a. the golden poppy. The California poppy is a species of flower that’s native to all of the U.S.A. and Mexico. A lot of people have heard that it is illegal to pick the California poppy in the state of California. Technically it is illegal to pick the state flower unless it is on your own property.

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