Country Essay


The country I chose to write about today is Canada

Every sports fan knows that hockey is the most popular sport in Canada. The first two teams in Canada were the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Montreal Canadians. This year the Stanley cup playoffs were held in Toronto for the east teams and in Edmonton for the west teams.

Every year Canada holds the CHL tournament which has 60 teams. The best players get drafted into the NHL. There are three qualifying rounds for the remaining teams. The three best teams are the Regina Pats with four titles, the Oshawa Generals with 5 titles, and the Toronto Marlboros who lead with 7 titles.

Fun fact, according to The International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) the very first game of organized hockey was played in Montreal in 1875. Although there is evidence to suggest that the game and earliest rules originated in England, no one can deny that Canada has the biggest hockey fanbase.

Some other things Canada is known for are: maple syrup, brutally cold winters and Niagara Falls.

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One thought on “Country Essay

  1. I had no idea the first organized hockey game was in 1875. I wonder what year it dates back in England and if the rules were the same or close to the same.

    They do have an excellent fan base too, Go Montreal Canadiens!


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