

According to Wikipedia mega-sequences or “Cratonic sequences are geological evidence of the sea level rising and then falling, thereby depositing layers of sediment onto an area of ancient rock called a craton. Places such as the Grand Canyon are a good visual example of this, apparent in the layers deposited over time”. This means that the earth is changed by oceans rising and falling.

When you look at the Grand Canyon you see the different rock layers that were created by mega-sequences. The grand canyon is 177 miles long and over 1 mile deep. It is possible that this was caused by mega-sequences over millions of years. Each layer would be a different color due to water bringing sediment and creating the rock layers.

In the Grand Canyon geologist have found marine fossils which proves that it was once covered in water. Its still up for debate if the Grand Canyon formed slowly or rapidly but they do know that six mega-sequences can be found in the Northern Arizona section of the Grand Canyon. These six mega-sequences can be traced across North America. This information can be found in

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One thought on “Mega-Sequences

  1. Good research and a very interesting read.

    We were intrigued by these layers of sedimental deposits while visiting the Grand Canyon, as well as a few of the other Canyons on our tour.

    I hope someday you have the opportunity to visit these majestic places.


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