Activity Essay

My three favorite activities are playing and watching sports, walking and drawing.

First is sports. I do sports all year long. The sports I play the most are football, basketball, and baseball because those are the sports I’m the best at. My favorite position to play in baseball is third base. I really like playing because third base gets a lot of action. I am good defensively in basketball. I love to pick off the ball. My team was the championship team two years in a row. When I play football I like to play wide receiver because I get the ball thrown to me a lot. Sports is also a great way for me to connect with my friends.

Next is walking. I walk almost every day of the week. I walk for about thirty minutes before heading back home and relaxing. Most of the time when I am halfway through with my walk, I stop to look at the ocean which is right down the street from my house. My brother and I sometimes take a quick walk before we start school. It helps get our blood flowing and our brains turned on.

My final favorite activity is drawing. I draw almost every day to keep myself entertained. I mostly draw sports logos such as MLB teams and NHL teams. I like to create my own teams and logos. Sometimes I just reimagine current logos for teams. YouTube is one of the main places I look up sports related topics. I find a lot of “how to draw” videos on there. It helps me get better at art.

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