Backyard Essay

Every day I go in my yard. We have a pool, a picnic table, a chicken coop, and a garden.

Our pool is round and has a 12 foot circumference. It is 3 feet deep. I swim in it almost everyday because sometimes there’s nothing better to do. My brother and I take the cover off together before we get in. My grandparents got us a giant beachball to play with. We take turns rolling off of it into the water. We also have pool noodles and donut tubes to play with.

Next is my outside table. Mostly when friends have dinner with us we go outside and use it. Also it has an umbrella so if its sunny out we have shade. It sits on a patio that we made out of flagstone.

The Coop

Next is the chicken coop. We have 8 chickens that sleep on a roosting bar we made and a wooden floor that I lacquered. It easily fits all of the chickens in the coop and the roosting bar can fit most of the chickens on. My brother and I built the coop with our Mom. We used a garden shed kit. My Dad helped build the roosting. He always says he likes to over engineer things. We definitely over engineered this project! It looks really good.


The final thing I am going to talk about is my garden we have over 20 plants. We have plants in the front of the yard like blueberries, snapdragons, chamomile, mint, a lemon tree, a blood orange tree, tomatoes, wisteria and nasturtiums. We have strawberries, johnny jump ups, geraniums, marigolds, lavender, sage, thyme, parsley and rosemary plants in the back of the yard. We water the plants every other day so that they always stay hydrated.

At night we see opossums walk through our yard. They are looking for food like chicken eggs that we forgot to collect and cat food that our cats Lucy and Tikka didn’t finish. I do not like opossums! They look like big rats with mouse ears and their fur is greasy.

I enjoy spending time in my yard. Thanks to the pandemic I spend a lot of time out there now. I’m having fun making my yard look nicer.

2 thoughts on “Backyard Essay

  1. Good description of your yard, i almost feel i am walking through it with you šŸ™‚

    Yards, gardens, pools and even furry, feathery friends are nice to have. What fun a great escape!

    You show great pride in the work you and your family have done, we’re so proud of you!


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