History 6: Week 1 Essay

Creator: JoeLena | Credit: Getty Images
Copyright: JoeLena

I have discovered some people that speak my language. After years of wandering I have finally found a group I can talk to. I have decided to speak to this group of people, but I wonder, “Will they reject me or will they welcome me”?

So I make my move. I say, “Hi”, while stuttering a little. “You speak our language?” They ask me with surprised looks on their faces. I say, “Yes!” Then they say, “Welcome to the tribe!”

We have a nice time talking for a while, but then they tell me there’s a problem. When I ask what’s wrong they say, “We don’t know where to settle. Since God chose to give everyone a different langue, we have been confused and lost”. I tell them that I have been feeling the same way.

While everyone was sleeping I spend hours thinking about where to go. And that’s when it hits me; I decide to go to America. I wait until the morning to tell them. But in the meantime, I know I should get some rest. I sleep well knowing that I have a plan.

The next day I tell them my idea. But they are worried about how to get there. Then I say, “We will build a boat”. They all think this is a great idea. We spend months building a boat that will fit all of us. During that time we tell each other stories and share our best memories.

It takes a few months to travel across the ocean. Many of us get seasick. We see creatures that have strange and unsettling looks. And it is a very bumpy ride.

Finally we see the shore! After we get to America, my new tribe awards me the position of chief of the tribe. In this new home we will be able to start fresh and build a great civilization.

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